
Argus Chat

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argus-chat.com Synchronizing E2EE chats Again, this feature is not yet as common as we would like. Its presence greatly simplifies life. E2EE Fingerprint Verification Notice When starting E2EE chats, some messengers offer to check the prints of the interlocutors, others do not openly offer it. But not all messengers have a fingerprint verification function. https://argus-chat.com

Argus Chat

Argus Chat Privacy is the most sensitive topic of the mobile Internet era. There are regular news about security breaches due to app flaws. Nothing is safe, not even the messengers of tech giants. Every day, internal messages are leaked online and accounts are hijacked. There are many reasons for this – from negligent database…

Argus Messenger

Argus Messenger In addition to these criteria, the following can also be attributed here: open source code, a ban on screenshots in secret chats, the presence of group E2EE chats, and so on.Well, you should also understand a couple of important things:The presence of end-to-end encryption in the product does not at all guarantee that…

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